Inspired Dental Health

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Even The Root Canal Was Okay

  • Jan 25 / 2014
  • 0

Even The Root Canal Was Okay

I wasn’t looking forward to my first visit to the dentist because I already knew what was wrong. I needed a root canal. I knew it. I had had one before and it was terrible, but someone else did that. Before I could get there, the tooth broke. The pain was the worst I’ve ever had with anything. My insurance was still good even though I was leaving my job, so I was pleased that he would see my right away instead of waiting for my appointment. I did need a root canal, but it was actually okay. I cried in the waiting room because I was so worried, but he’s a good guy and made me feel at ease. He was genuinely upset that I was so upset and waited until I calmed down to start. He stabilized everything right away and gave me something to take care of the pain. I have a crown now and it’s all okay. He’s a good guy I’ll see every time now.



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